lunedì 24 aprile 2017

Tuscany is Nobile


Save the date - NY May 18th / 20th
Nobile has been one the most representative quality wines of Tuscany since wine has been documented. A favorite bottle of Kings and Popes, during the Renaissance it was considered a symbol of quality winemaking all over Italy.
The Alliance– a group of six Vino Nobile di Montepulciano producers: Salcheto Poliziano, La Braccesca, Dei, Boscarelli, and Avignonesi - strongly believes that now is the time to elevate and preserve a wine of true nobility, the Tuscan wine par excellence: the Nobile.
The group is committed to the qualitative rebirth of the Vino Nobile and to a worldwide coordinated promotional effort and their intentions are defined in the very basic Manifesto.
The producers of the Alliance have very diverse stories and backgrounds but they all share a common dedication to Nobile’s rediscovery. They are all directly involved in the day to day life of the winery and are committed to giving the proper voice to the Nobile, among Italy’s highest quality wines.
The Alliance will organize two launch events in NYC on the 18th and 20th May. The main focus of the seminars and the event is the 2015 vintage of a Vino Nobile en primeur – that’s made 100% with Sangiovese grapes, that will officially be released in the market in January 2018.
The six producers have been working to craft a genuine wine with an outstanding ageing potential, fruit of an exceptional terroir, capable of producing the most distinguished Sangiovese grapes in the world. A wine of elegance and finesse, yet accessible and versatile at the same time.
Individual humility and collective pride is probably
the best definition of nobility.” 
To learn more about the Alliance check out their website

mercoledì 5 aprile 2017

Come ogni anno, Aprile è Vinitaly. 

130 mila operatori di settore.
140 paesi coinvolti.
100 mila metri quadri espositivi (prima rassegna al mondo).
50 mila presenze straniere.

Dopo un edizione 2016 da record ed un 50 esimo festeggiato a dovere, torna la manifestazione vinicola più importante. Noi di Poliziano, saremo di nuovo ad onorarla al meglio.

Ci trovate al nostro storico stand PAD 9 - D11.

lunedì 3 aprile 2017

Asinone 2014 tra i 100 Migliori Vini d'Italia

Il nostro Vino Nobile Asinone 2014 inserito tra i 100 migliori vini d'Italia nella bellissima guida di Luciano Ferraro e Luca Gardini, con un ottimo punteggio di 96/100.